The Fisher

The Project

The Fisher, also known as the “Southern District Recreational Fisheries Development and Fisherfolk Training Project”, is the first community platform in Hong Kong centering on recreational fisheries. Starting in the Southern District (including Aberdeen, Ap Lei Chau, Wong Chuk Hang and Lamma Island), the project aims to build the community network of recreational fisheries by connecting community partners and fisherfolk in the area and promoting the engagement of stakeholders. The Fisher integrates resources and services in the industry to develop community-oriented recreational fisheries in a multi-perspective approach. The Fisher aims to raise public awareness of the fisherfolk culture, develop sustainable fisheries with local characteristics, and establish a self-sufficient community platform.

This project is organized by Kaifong Tour, a local social enterprise, and funded by the Sustainable Fisheries Development Fund of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. Besides providing training programs for fisherfolk and building connections with different community parties, The Fisher also coordinates a series of interactive, fun, yet practical activities that are led by fisherfolk for public participation. By sharing fisherfolk’s firsthand stories of the sea themselves, the precious fisherfolk customs, as part of the Hong Kong traditional culture, can be protected and inherited.

Our Story

Set Off on a Fishery Adventure in the Southern District

The Fisher, as the name implies, is a project that focuses on the fisherfolk culture. Our fishery programs and guided tours are led by fisherfolk to share with the public the authentic fisherfolk lifestyle in the Southern District through the lens of the local fishing communities.

The logo of The Fisher is a jumping fish with water splashes in bright blue tones, symbolizing the hardworking fisherfolk and glittering water of fishing ports, and a prominent orange tour guide flag, all outlined in curved, rounded and lively lines. Down-to-earth and pleasant — the perfect description of our brand style, including visuals, texts, and program design.

Extending the approachable and professional spirit of Kaifong Tour, The Fisher aims to introduce all about the local fisheries by promoting public engagement in all sorts of the latest sustainable fishery programs.


To raise awareness and interest of the public and professional fishermen towards recreational fisheries and fisherfolk culture

To develop diversified recreational fisheries campaigns and programs that are led by fisherfolk and provide fishery tourism training for public participation

To establish a community platform that centers on recreational fisheries in order to connect fisherfolk and different stakeholders in the Southern District

To uphold fisherfolk’s sense of identity and promote their culture through alternative career building in the recreational fisheries

The Team

The Fisher is a project organized by Kaifong Tour. Found in 2016, Kaifong Tour designs and organizes tours, which take place at the heart of communities as “the scene of action”. Through community building, education, sustainable tourism and other community projects, we aim to create a people-oriented and sustainable environment for our communities to develop.

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