漁家嚮導邀請到「本土養殖」創辦人Alex Lam擔任講座嘉賓,與大家分享他的創業歷程。
Activity Target: Individual
Aberdeen Land-Sea Guided Tour: A Life Journey
Guided by The Fisher team members, you will experience their simple lifestyle firsthand by exploring the long-established Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter, discovering the significant historical moments in Aberdeen
From Sea to Table and Everything In Between: Aberdeen Wholesale Fish Market Tour
How does a steamed grouper, the famously delicious Cantonese dish, “swim” to your dining table from the sea?
Traditional Fishing Operations: Demonstration and Tour
Centering traditional fishing operations, this brand-new leisure water activity will bring you the performance of gillnetting by professional fisherfolk up close! You can also extensively learn about the recent development of fisheries